It's HERE! The most wonderful (and STRESSFUL) time of year! The holidays are always hard, but with Hashimoto's, any added stress can make life that much harder. I've compiled 10 TIPS to help you not only SURVIVE, but THRIVE with Hashimoto's this holiday season.
1. Make positivity a priority.
Let's face it: waking up with a smile when it's cold outside and the winter blues are knocking at your door is hard, but depression is harder. Make every attempt to be positive. Remember to breathe. Find something to laugh about (I always find looking at funny memes online will help). Spend time with people who make you feel good...this is easier with the help of FaceTime and free long distance calling!
2. Get moving!
Regular exercise is a MUST, and sometimes it's hard to find time in our schedules of holiday parties, school programs, and gift shopping to fit some fitness in, but doing so will make you feel better and more accomplished. The trick to fitness is, do what you love. Love swimming? Find a local community pool like the YMCA to take a dip in. Like slinging iron? Look for online workout offers from fitness peeps like FitNix (my own former personal trainer, so take it from me! Tell her I sent you!) - pregnancy, home, and gym workouts, NO EXCUSES! At the least, take a walk outside for some exercise AND fresh air - WIN-WIN!
3. Eat Healthy Foods MOST of the time!
Why is it that during the holidays we are bombarded by junk food ads and festive treats at every turn? It can be hard to stay on track, but we all know that diet is a very important factor when talking about Hashimoto's health. Eat healthy whenever possible, limit treats to a couple at a festive holiday party, or better yet, look for a healthy replacement recipe on Pinterest (they're there, I promise!). Make sure you're eating all the good stuff, too! Lots of veggies and good protein.
4. Water, water, and more water!
Along with all the festive foods come the festive booze. If at all possible, steer clear. Alcohol can seriously disrupt homeostasis in our bodies. Drink lots of water and make sure you stay hydrated while expending extra energy shopping and being home with kids during the holidays. Water is good for cleaning out toxins no matter the time of year. I love this idea of marking a water bottle to remind me to drink enough!
5. Take your supplements.
The un-perfect holiday diet is all the more reason to make sure you're getting all your natural supplements in. It's easy to forget when we have a different schedule that usual (being off work, having kids at home, traveling, etc). Make sure you remember to take all of your supplements to keep your body on the track to good health. Setting alarms on your phone and keeping a travel container of supplements are a few ways to stay on track!
6. Get your Zzzzz's.
This should probably be #1. It is amazing what a good night's sleep can do for anyone, but most certainly for us Hashi's peeps. Sleep is your body's time to rejuvenate and regenerate, and skipping on sleep is a recipe for disaster and flares. Make a good attempt to get in bed by a reasonable hour, guaranteeing a good seven to nine hours. If you can't get to sleep that early, try meditating or sitting quietly in a comfortable place before bed. This article lays out the ground rules for ensuring you're maximizing sleep potential.
7. Get a massage.
Some people think of this as a splurge. Those same people usually put themselves LAST in the whole scheme of things. But getting a massage is about so much more than the luxurious relaxation. Getting a massage once a month has been shown to obviously relieve stress, but also to release toxins and negative energy from the body. If you can't go once a month, try for once a quarter, or set a reward system for yourself. You deserve it!
8. Talk it out.
A major contender for stress is withheld emotions. When something or someone frustrates or hurts you, take a moment to consider the intention. Was it meant to be hurtful? Talk it out with someone. Let people know how you feel and where you stand. Don't carry negativity around with you!
9. Delegate.
That's right, I said it. Delegate. Have someone else do something to relieve some stress and save you some time. Have kids? Have them help out more around the house during the holidays in preparation for holiday guests. If a friend is at the mall, ask them to pick up a gift in a nearby store so you don't have to make the trek. Every little bit of time and sanity will help keep you happy and healthy this holiday season.
10. Why so serious?
The holidays are meant to be fun and joyous. How many years do you remember being disappointed in a gift? Not many, right? As a matter of fact, by now you probably laugh about it. Don't stress yourself out over giving (or getting) the perfect gift. Enjoy family and friends, and all the holidays have to offer. Make sure to do things that help you unwind - like a family movie night cuddled up on the sofa (lots of great holiday movies on ABC Family for free!), meet a friend for chat at a park or coffee shop, or enjoy my new hobby, adult coloring books. Whatever it takes to relax and enjoy this time of year!
What are your favorite ways to manage stress? Share!
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