Diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in August of 2011, I spent the first year after my diagnosis in absolute misery. I had gained 47 pounds in just seven months, had constant joint and muscle aches, migraines, and food sensitivities, and was spiraling into a deep, dark pit of depression. One thing I did not have, however, was a clue. I left the doctor with a wad (five, to be exact) of prescriptions for Hashi's, aches and pains, depression, and more--a one page article about Hashimoto's printed from Wikipedia (yeah, thanks), thinking that NOW I could get back to feeling like myself. I had no clue what my body was dealing with, fighting with, day after day. I was eating "right", exercising, meditating...and nothing was getting better. One year to the day after my diagnosis, I decided to take control of my life back from Hashimoto's. I made a decision to be my own researcher, investigator, and most importantly, my very own advocate. I began researching ways to alleviate autoimmune symptoms, joined online Hashimoto's forums, researching food allergies, and trying to find ways to help myself FEEL better. I doctor shopped until I found one that would listen to me, rather than try to excessively medicate me. I began working with a personal trainer, Christie Nix of FitNix, changed my diet, and my outlook, and started the slow journey of healing myself, and most importantly, re-becoming myself. It is a trial and error process, with lots of ups and downs, but it is all worth it. It is my hope that this blog about my journey will help us learn from each other, and see that it is possible to live healthy and happy, while living with Hashimoto's disease.
Healthy. Happy. Hashi's.
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